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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  July 26, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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a deadly storm, widespread damage and no growing danger. >> i was not thinking it was carbon monoxide. >> be alert for every member of the family. oh widow's heart break a week after her husband's murder. >> i did not have a chance to say goodbye.
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>> breaking news in the case. the buried secrets in arlington. the details on how many graves are lost. and a consumer investigation of macdonald. get ready for d.c's real housewives. captioned by the national captioning institute live and in hd, this is abc 7 news at 11:00. the most extensive power problems since hurricane isabelle. tens of thousands remain without power tonight. numerous traffic light outages have led to a nightmare. it turned it dangerous in montgomery county as two people were rushed to the hospital. jennifer donelan is live in the district. but we begin with cynee simpson in silver spring. >> we are seeing a huge problems
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in silver spring. take a look behind me. here at the gas station, all the pumps are closed because there is no electricity. let me direct your attention to this intersection -- this is midland road and new hampshire. the traffic lights are out, leaving drivers to pass through at their own risk and neighbors in the area are taking risks of their own. y buynever intended to buu a power generator for his parents. >> i was trying to help them out. we got a generator to try to save some money. now we had to throw our food out. >> they spent their wedding anniversary in the hospital after exposure to carbon monoxide. >> dizzy, anxious, not to. >> g-8 imagines his -- he imagine that his koi fish
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felt the same. nine of them floated to the top of the pond after the electricity went out. >> i raised them from that small. >> he hoped to save the remaining fish, but there was a devastation all round. branches are snapped and residents are moving hundreds -- are losing hundreds of dollars of groceries. >> this is the best meal we have had for a long time. >> those residents who spent the winter shoveling and the summer sweating, cannot help but wonder when there will be all wrapped on mother nature is wrath. >> you can take 2010 as far as i'm concerned heard . e doctors gave th
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anniversary couple a clean bill of health. the residual effect is the load of traffic. >> with so many lights out, commuters had big problems this morning and it was not much better tonight. drivers say it was slow going and it led to a lot of frustration. >> i feel unsafe walking across the street. >> i would assume there would be law enforcement on every corner with a four-way stop. but that is not the case. >> the drivers in montgomery county should plan for extra travel time until the problems are resolved. a local death toll from the storm stands at 3. a 62-year-old died while on the chesapeake bay. an loudoun county, a eric
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lawson -- a 6-year- old died when a tree fell on him. >> the mayor laid blame on pepco. >> pepco says it may be until thursday until they are able to get electricity back on and for some people it could be friday morning. here is why. this tree is a massive. it is still up there. no work has begun. it is a massive undertaking. on mckinley street, we found patients. >> i would not want to be in anybody's shoes because i have seen this before. >> all of a sudden i heard thump. >> another story of a lot crash
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and then darkness. the tree crashed down on two cars. >> there are live cables underground and nothing has been done it since 3:00 yesterday. >> the mayor blames pepco for not moving fast enough. >> there are severe health and safety issues, so it is my job to point out to pepco that we need these areas restored. >> they have 185 crews on the ground. the company is moving as fast as it can to get the lights back on. >> this is the priority for our company. this is what we are about. we will work our way through this. >> dry ice, a refrigerated truck and a dark store through a food that was spoiled was a perfect recipe for a neighborhood cut out. >> we did in email blast an everyone e-mailed back, yes.
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>> pitch black. the only time we see lights is when the car comes down the street. the 350 crews should be on the ground working tomorrow morning. again, right now with this tree that will have to cut it down and de-energized the line. it will be awhile. >> we have the latest figures on those power outages. montgomery county has the most with nearly 142, 000 customers without service. prince george's has more than 22,000, and in the district, more than 14,000 customers in the dark. conditions have calmed down considerably. bob ryan is here with a look back to last night. >> here in the weather center,
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back to 3:00 yesterday afternoon -- that is when that line -- and there may have been a super cel embedded into it -- it was moving out of leesburg. what you are looking at is every five minutes of that line was a for roche's line and out in front of it, winds -- that was a ferocious line and out in front of it, 50-60 mile per hour winds. it is a lot more comfortable tonight that it was. remember friday night? it was and 90 degrees. the dewpoint tells the temperature. dewpoint are now into the 50's. at least it is comfortable. we will get a temperature near 100 degrees, we see these lines of a violent storms. the worst in more than 10 years. so our streak of 90-degree
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days has ended. i will show you how insects were picked up by that line of a violent weather. we have breaking news. stretching from fairfax county to the bay area and california. police and oakland have arrested a second person in connection with the murder of all local husband and father. jinghong kang was shot and killed a week ago just hours before he was scheduled to interview with google. a woman was arrested and her boyfriend was arrested today. we will bring you the interview with jinghong kang's wife in a minute. salahis are talking again. what she is saying about the president. arlington national cemetery
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and the real number of
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the numbers of miss labeled graves at arlington national cemetery may be in the thousands. that is what senator mccaskill said during a news conference today. an internal army investigation found at least 2101 discrepancies. there will be of hearing on capitol hill on thursday. federal investigators are scheduled to produce their final report on the metro disaster. it was june 22 of last year when all red line train slammed into a stopped train killing eight passengers and a train operator. they have taken it recommendations made by the ntsb since the crash.
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coming up, a real housewife is talking before her debut. what she is saying about the president. the consumer investigation you need to see, especially if you are apparent. a local man murdered hours before a job interview. his widow speaks as an arrest is made. [ man ] my perfect summer is grilling up a masterpiece. daily. [ woman ] my perfect summer is having everyone over. and having money leftover. [ female announcer ] safeway lets you have it all. with thousands of everyday low prices and great club card savings. [ man ] my perfect summer. [ woman ] perfectly priced. [ female announcer ] safeway. ingredients for life. now introducing all new refreshe beverages. get a 12 pack for just $1.88 with your club card. and any 2-liter 2 for $1. pour yourself happy with refreshe.
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you are watching abc 7 news at 11:00, with a leon harris, caroline lyders, and bob ryan at weather and tim brant sports. this is abc 7 news at 11:00. on your side. new reaction to the breaking story we had earlier. the second arrest in the murder of the fairfax county man. >> it is, is as the widow is speaking about about -- speaking out about her families pain. >> jinghong kang was living the american dream -- a beautiful family and a successful career that was about to take off when
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he landed an interview at google. >> he wanted to go and check it out. but no one knew such a terrible thing could happen. >> july 18, a few hours after he landed in california, he was robbed and shot feet from his rental car. according to police, the two suspects got away with $10 and his life. >> i am very angry. his life was taken away unjustly. and with no reason. >> earlier this evening, his wife learned that police had two people behind bars -- george huggins and althea housley. she confessed to taking part. >> the pain will not be relieved. >> if your husband is listening, she has two things to tell them -- she praised his killers find
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repentance and she will find the strength to take care of their three boys. that think he'd be happy they were caught. >> the suspects were arrested on assault with a deadly weapon. a safety alert and evolving a mcdonald's happy meal toy. they are investigating a complaint -- all for-year-old -- a four-year-old nearly choked after putting this air bender toy around his neck. the white house party salahis, says that she is ready to move on. she says that president obama has joked about the incident.
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and she said that they are ready to move forward. she called the last nine months awful but she said she would do it again. >> moving on means crashing another party? we want to move on with this weather. that line, those a severe storms, worst in northwest washington and in montgomery county in more than 20 years. for the folks that are out tonight without power, at least it is more comfortable. how often have we seen this beautiful almost full moon. ? how often have we seen these terrible heatwwaves. aves. remember that line that came through in 1989? it was described as the worst in 80 years. that was around chevy chase circle. over 150,000 power outages, very
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similar to what we have seen for this line. we see these lines come through from frederick, maryland, into northwest washington. 78 degrees at fort university. dewpoint is 63 -- what a difference. look at the temperatures -- 78 degrees at howard university. look at the temperatures are around the country. our high temperature is only 88 degrees. the record is 103 in 1930. that was the month we had six 100 degree-days. 70's in the area. the dewpoint, what a difference. there is that line pushed to our south. i want to show you the doppler radar, because this was going back into the record books. this is from our colleagues
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that surveyed the damage. there was that line coming through at 4:00 in the afternoon. look in front of it -- in charles county and prince george's county. this is what is called the outflow boundary, strong winds coming through. thunderstorms and the winds were picking up debris, leaves and insects from around washington, and the radar picked up that boundary. sometimes we can see a lot of things besides rain in the super doppler. so, as we go through tonight, we will continue to see high pressure. nice, dry air. a comfortable morning. no more violent weather. temperatures into the 60's in a lot of areas, rising to 90. in four weeks, our average high is 85 degrees. if you have had enough of this,
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then we will be seeing it decrease. the terrible heat -- we have a chance of afternoon thunderstorms, but i do not see a repeat of anything we saw yesterday. >> an insect
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tonight on "nightline", zac effron makes the transition to serious roles. >> that reminds me of you. des bryant has everybody talking. let the celebration began -- what a job by matt garza.
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the better. he takes it to right field, but it is a can of corn. his 11th win of the year and the rays beat the tigers. >> we just made it great plays. what can i say? >> there it is. >> almost broke his nose. stephen strasburg pitches tomorrow night against atlanta. baltimore is for the birds. the orioles have lost nine of 11. in toronto, the blue jays blasted the o's. the orioles gave up three dingers. toronto has beaten the birds 10 straight times. i was in the north carolina the last couple days. we voted on the preseason poll today.
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virginia tech is favored to win and the virginia cavaliers last. in the atlantic, florida state is picked to win and the maryland terrapins start the season in the basement. >> we had a lot of young kids last year. we had a lot of adversity -- turned the ball over too much but i think our kids -- i do not think it does not reflect to they are. >> the media has not picked correctly since 2005. the big story is dez bryant. he refused to debate in all right of passage. he was supposed to carry his pads and he refused. every player who has played the game has to do something for the veterans. pick up the pads. but he said no. the cincinnati bengals are making a big deal for t.o.
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the president has confirmed the report. he says there is a deal in the works and it could happen quickly. >> in this same up locker room with ochocinco. >> debt team is a contender already. -- that team is a contender already. >> the coach will need earmuffs. look inside a more than
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and the future begins now. there he is. >> comfortable? >> i am saying it for tomorrow morning. tomorrow, temperatures start of only of around 60. we will get up to near 90, maybe alone some thunder shower. another break from the heat and
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storms. the next seven days? still comfortable. >> a cool night for those who do not have electricity. "nightline" is next. [ clattering ]
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